About Us

Hope Wellness Center Corp’s Residential Services home is like living in your house. We provide qualifying caregivers by working with families of all people who, for whatever reason, cannot live without assistance. We include but do not limit our outreach to individuals with physical disabilities and seniors.

The multidisciplinary team works with family members/caregivers to develop and monitor an individualized plan of care that may include regular home health care, day program services, and life skills. The team supports family members/caregivers allow the individual to remain as independent as possible for as long as possible.

How You Pay

You pay a monthly amount that includes your room, board, and services. Many people pay for ICS with funds through the County and Government programs through the Department of Health and Human Services of MN.

If you cannot afford ICS, some public programs may help including:
– Housing Support (formerly Group Residential Housing): Housing Support is available to people with low income and low assets who have disabilities. Housing Support will only pay for Residential Services settings that are approved for Housing Support. Housing Support may pay up to the full cost of room, board, and services, depending on your income and eligibility for the MA-Waiver program.

– MA-Waiver program: If you are eligible for Medical Assistance (MA) due to your disability you may qualify for the MA-Waiver program that helps pay for services in the community, which may include Residential locations.