Hope Wellness Center in Minnesota

Residentials Services is a type of housing for people with disabilities and seniors who need some daily care. Hope Wellness Center Corp's Residential Services home is like living in your house. We provide qualifying caregivers by working with families of all people who, for whatever reason, cannot live alone. We include but do not limit our outreach to individuals’ disabilities and Seniors.

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FRS services may also include the provision of personal care, household and living skills assistance or training, medication assistance, and assistance safeguarding cash resources.

Our Services

Residential Services

Residential Service Program allows individuals, who are unable to remain at home alone due to chronic illness, or physical disabilities, to stay in their home or in the home of a loved one to maximize their quality of life. We provide enhanced support in an inclusive setting that promotes personal well-being, health, community participation, and a friendly environment by our professional staff and residents.

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Independent living skills/Individualized Home Supports

We provide support to people with disabilities to help them improve their daily living skills. Building daily living skills allows our customers to experience greater independence, putting their long-term wellbeing first and allowing them to live the most self-managed life possible.

Individualized home supports: Services providing support and training in community living service categories for people 18 years or older who lives in their own homes. Individualized home supports can be provided in the person’s own home or in public community settings and either in person or remotely.

Support for individualized home supports: A staff member providing direct supervision, cueing, maintenance, guidance, instruction, incidental assistance with activities of daily living or assistance with coordination of community living activities.

Training for individualized home supports: Instructional services through which a person receives direct training from a staff member on community living skills identified in a person’s assessment (e.g., MnCHOICES, long-term care consultation [LTCC]). Training includes skill building to acquire, retain and improve the person’s experience living in the community.

Community living service categories: Broad service categories for providing support and training to help a person to live independently in the community. The community living service categories are:

  • Community participation
  • Health, safety and wellness
  • Household management
  • Adaptive skills.

For more information, see the covered services section.


Individualized home supports are available for people in their own homes (see CBSM – Requirements for a person’s own home) and on one of the following waivers:

  • Community Alternative Care (CAC)
  • Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI).
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Integrated Community Supports (ICS)

At Hope Wellness Center, we understand the importance of community living and support for adults aged 18 and over. Our Integrated Community Supports (ICS) program provides personalized support and training services to individuals who reside in a provider-controlled living unit.

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(507) 319 4010




1500 1st AVe. NE Suite 111-F
Rochester, MN 55906